This section contains eLearning developed specifically for families and people in a caring role.
Carer Gateway Education resources for carers:
These courses provide information, insights and practical tips to help carers develop new understanding and skills important in their caring role. Each free online self-paced learning modules takes approximately 20–40 minutes to complete.
The modules include:
- Dealing with stress (available)
- Effective Communication techniques
- Recharge and Reconnect
- Legal issues
- Social connections
- Sleep
We welcome feedback on how useful you find the resources. There is a quick online survey you can complete at the end, or you can use the Carer Gateway feedback form.
Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-learning idmh e-learning, provides free e-learning about intellectual disability to professionals, carers and consumers. Their goal is to is your knowledge, skills and confidence which will lead to better mental health and wellbeing for people with an intellectual disability.
italk Studios are a media production and training company based in the Northern Territory that provides educational tools that communicate using pictures and speech, spoken in simple English and in first languages. italk Studios use illustrated stories, videos, animation, music and song to communicate important messages for their clients and have produced numerous education, training, community and social marketing resources over 20 years, in the Northern Territory and across Australia. Most of their productions are hosted as videos on their website in the italk Library, where they are accessed for free by individuals and organisations.
Coursera is a website that offers a variety of e-learning courses. Music Life is a course that provides free video, audio and journal resources that explain six basic principles about how music can influence individual and community health and wellbeing. Music has always played an integral role in the lives of individuals and communities all around the globe. This course explores the ways that music can be used to achieve positive changes with a particular emphasis on the most vulnerable persons.
Autism Resources
Carers NT provides educational resources and information to Carers, their families and the community. We support inclusion for people on the Autism Spectrum and acknowledge Carers and their family are the best advocates for their children.
To support Carer families we have provided the below links to resources and educational information on Autism from Australia and International Websites.
- Guide to helping Kids with Autism Sleep Better
- Autism Resource Centre
- Creating an Autism Friendly Home
- Autism Support Network Resources
- Moving with Kids with Autism
- 30 Ways to Celebrate Autism Awareness Month
- Traveling with Kids with Autism
- Create an outdoor sanctuary for people with disabilities
- ABA Therapy for Autism
Other Resources