Our Services
Are you a carer?
A lot of people think a carer is like a support worker who gets paid to provide support —but that’s not the case.
A carer can be young or old; they can care for someone full time or for a couple of hours a day. They can be family or friends or neighbours and they don’t get paid to provide care.
You might be thinking, “It’s my mum/dad/child/friend! Of course I’m going to look after them!” And of course that’s true. But because you care for this person, you’re eligible for some support.
You might not need it now, but chances are you will need support at some point. We talk to many carers who wish they’d had support earlier, and connecting with services early can prevent a crisis or emergency situation.
Find the support you need
The carers in our community are used to thinking about someone else most of the time. Carers’ needs don’t come first, and sometimes they’re not met at all.
When was the last time you went for a walk? Read a book? Slept in? Did something just for you?
Carers NT supports carers in the Northern Territory to maintain their caring role and to take a break for themselves when they need to.
We provide respite, therapy services, education and training, advice and information, Volunteer Community Support, ongoing Aged Care Services, and support to people with disabilities as a Registered NDIS Provider.