It is vital for the needs of the caring community to be clearly understood by those individuals and organisations sanctioned to support carers.
Carers NT is well positioned to successfully represent and advocate on behalf of carers. Carers NT feeds into National policy development through the network of Carer Associations and through our high level connections with local government and community leaders. We are focused on identifying and responding to policy and implementation issues affecting carers.
Carers NT aims to drive change and improve the lives of carers across Australia by completing the following:
Advocacy to Government, in relation to industry issues, e.g. funding issues, introduction of new funding guidelines, legislation and the impact of these changes on the Sector, etc. Carers NT ensures a Territory specific focus to national issues are heard throughout the Carer Associations nationally.
Policy and Advocacy – Carers NT undertakes policy analysis and research on policy issues and develops policy positions that reflect the views of the sector and carers. Policy Areas include – community services, income support, employment, education, housing and homelessness, and social policy in relation to the range of different carer groups, e.g. Indigenous people, young people, ageing people and people with disabilities etc. Carers NT helps shape the public policy agenda by responding to Government proposals and by advocating to Government on the concerns of the Sector.
Information for members and stakeholders – Carers NT produces regular newsletters and updates as well as resources available on our website.
Complaints – Carers have a right to lodge a complaint if they are concerned about the delivery of a service to their family or the person they support. All services have a complaints procedure. Legally, a service cannot hold it against you if you complain.
Let us know the concerns you have as a carer, so we can more effectively represent your interests to Australia’s decision-makers. The confidential feedback you provide may be anonymous if you choose. Submit your feedback
If you have a complaint about a different service or organisation, contact them or visit their website to find out their complaints procedure. There may be a specific person you need to contact or a form you need to complete.
If you have tried complaining to a person or organisation and do not feel that you have received a suitable response, Carers NT can provide information, advice and support to help you to advocate on your own behalf or on behalf of the person you care for.
Additionally there are a number of organisations who can assist you to follow up your concerns including: